Supporting Excellent Science Teaching for Georgia

2021 GSTA District Mini Grant Awards

  • 01 Aug 2021
  • 5:00 AM
  • 15 Sep 2021
  • 11:59 PM
  • Submit online - NOW OPEN


Registration is closed
Thank you for your interest in the Georgia Science Teachers District Mini-Grants.  We believe that it is important that excellence in science teaching is recognized and rewarded.  These grants are specifically designated for GSTA members.  Please know that a current membership is a prerequisite for this award.

Application Requirements for Mini-Grants

Section 1 – Complete Part 1 of the on-line awards application registration process.

Section 2 – Project title and a brief but concise description of your plan or idea.  Explain how you will carry it out and why you feel it is a worthwhile project.  Include how the project will contribute to the scientific literacy of your students, colleagues, or school and/or enhance your ability to teach with the Georgia Performance Standards.  Limit 2-4 pages, double-spaced, 12 point type.

Section 3 – A budget.  GSTA can grant up to $300.00 per project.  If you need more funding, you may wish to seek additional funds from other sources.

Section 4 – Submit a photo of yourself to be used for publicity purposes should you be selected as a GSTA Mini-Grant winner.

Section 5 – Two letters of support, one from a supervisor, and another letter from either your GSTA district representative or a colleague familiar with your work.

The deadline for the 2021 mini-grants sponsored by the Georgia Science Teachers Association is September 15, 2021.  Applications should be submitted via e-mail to  Applications and supporting documents should be submitted as a Microsoft Word or PDF attachment and should be submitted electronically by the September 15th due date.

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