Supporting Excellent Science Teaching for Georgia

GSTA publishes the eObservations newsletter 11 times per year to provide our members and other science educators with a range of information that supports excellent science education for all students in our state.  In each issue, you will find classroom resources recommended by GSTA board members, announcements of upcoming programs for teachers and students, research- and practice-based articles that present best practices for science teaching, and important news items that are relevant to Georgia's science educators.  Most articles come from our board of directors or invited experts, but we also welcome our members to submit articles and announcements for publication.  Visit the links below to view or learn more about eObservations.

  • View the current issue
  • Browse the members-only archive (May 2012-Present)
  • Submit an announcementGSTA seeks to share announcements, information, and resources from not-for-profit or government-sponsored programs at no cost.  We also seek to highlight any special accomplishments, recognitions , or activities by our members or their students.  To submit an announcement, please email the editors at
  • Submit an articleDo you have a great lesson or idea to share with your colleagues? GSTA invites classroom teaches, pre-service teachers, science education leaders, or science education researchers to submit an article for publication. Each month, we feature articles of ~500-750 words that fit into one of the three series described below. In addition we invite classroom-oriented education research, or K-12 student scientific research. Articles should include 1-2 supporting images and one or more links to additional information or supporting files. Articles can be submitted to 
      • Implementing the Science GSE - This series is intended to build teachers' capacity for the new Science Georgia Standards of Excellence and to increase their understanding of the Framework for K-12 Science Education by highlighting model classroom lessons that support students in three-dimensional science learning. Articles should describe lessons that challenge students to integrate core ides, science & engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts to explain phenomena or solve problems.
      • Connecting Research & Best Practice - This series is intended to help teachers incorporate research-based best practices into their science and STEM classrooms. Articles should focus on curriculum, instructional, or assessment approaches that are demonstrated to support science learning within the context of Georgia's student assessment and teacher evaluation systems. Each article should provide relevant background information and practical guidance for classroom implementation.
      • Speaking Up for Science EducationThis series offers a space for GSTA members to share their perspectives on key issues facing science education in our state and nation. We seek articles that inform and support members in acting as leaders and advocates for science education on the local, state, and national levels.
  • Advertise in eObservations
      • The eObservations newsletter is distributed to more than 2,000 science educators across Georgia.  GSTA offers paid advertising options for commercial interests that align with GSTA's mission.  All notices must comply with the published guidelines, and GSTA reserves the right to refuse any notices deemed inconsistent with the organization’s mission.
      • Download our Sponsorship Order Form to review our advertising guidelines and rates and to place a sponsorship order.  You may also view our ad placement options online.
      • To inquire about placing an ad in eObservations, contact our editors at
  • Trouble receiving your eObservations?
  • Login to your member account and be sure that we have your current email address.
  • Add this email address to your safe senders list:
  • Still having trouble?  Email the eObservations editors at
  • Want to subscribe to our newsletter as a non-member?
      • By completing the subscription form below, you will receive the monthly newsletter by email.  However, you will not receive access to members-only benefits.

Subscription form

* Mandatory fields
*First name
*Last name
*School Name
*District Name
GSTA District: See Map here:
Choose ONE - the district you work in.
Secondary Email
Company Name
Street Address
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Grade Level Taught
Email Address
In which county is your school located?

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Georgia Science Teachers Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

860 Johnson Ferry Road NE, Suite 140-334, Atlanta, GA 30342

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