Supporting Excellent Science Teaching for Georgia

Resources & Links

GSTA has been curating a list of GSTA Recommends resources that support 3-D science teaching which incorporates the science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and content core ideas in the Georgia Standards of Excellence. Scroll down to find a list of resources.

Science & Literacy Virtual PL Series (Members Only)

GSTA Recommends Websites


Lesson and Unit Resources

Tech Tools


Georgia DOE TRL Resources

K-12 Science Framework (free download)

STEM Teaching Tools

National Science Teachers Association

NSTA Learning Center

Manipulatives (Texas Region 13)

Phenomena Resources

GSTA Phenomena Bank

Phenomenal GRC

Wonder of Science

Georgia DOE TRL Resources

GSSA Book Recommendations for GSE K-6 Science

NSTA Daily Do

GRC Lesson Bank

NGSS Storylines

Achieve 3-D Task


Model based inquiry

HHMI Storylines

Ambitious Science Teaching

Ted Ed Lessons and Resources

Better Lesson


Pear Deck


Near Pod

Legends of Learning

Card Sorts: Mimio, Optimal Workshop

GSTA Online Resource List

3- D Assessment Resources

Science Practices

Crosscutting Concepts

DOE Milestones Assessment Guide Resource

Integrating Science Practices into Assessment Tasks

Uncovering Student Ideas $

Concord NGSS Assessment Task

Stanford SNAP Assessment

Wonder of Science Performance Assessments

Science Practices Matrix

Argument Driven Inquiry $

Argumentation Toolkit (CER)

Model based inquiry

Evaluating Science in the News (HHMI)

Science Practices Leadership

Downloadable summaries of the practices

Asking Scientific Questions (HHMI)

Crosscutting Concepts Matrix

Crosscutting Concepts Graphic Organizers

Crosscutting Table Tent Cards, 6-12

Bozeman Crosscutting Concepts Video



K-5 Resources


USGS Resources for Teacher K-2

Mystery Doug

USGS Resources for Educators

Earthquakes for Kids

Earthquake Hazards

Water Science for Schools

Water Data

NASA for Educators

NOAA for Educators

National Weather Service

NOAA Natural Hazards

NOAA Natural Hazards Viewer

Mystery Doug


Science Learning Websites

OK GO Sandbox


Next Gen Storylines - Elementary

Life Science & Biology

Earth Science & Earth Systems

Environmental Science

HHMI Resources - Classroom Resources

PHeT Biology Interactives

NSTA Virtual Simulations

Concord Biology Simulations

Browse Science Interactives

CK-12 Punnett Squares

Biology GSE Unpacked


Are you looking for real-world data? Check out:  Data Nuggets

GSTA Phenomena Bank 


Biology Lesson Plan Sites

HHMI Storylines

Africa Storyline (IL Science Teachers)

Model Based Inquiry – Life Science 

Inquiry Hub Biology (Storyline lessons)

National Center for Case Study Teaching


Cell animations

PHeT Earth Science

Nova Earth Science Interactives

USGS Resources for Educators

Earthquakes for Kids

Earthquake Hazards

Water Science for Schools

Water Data

NASA for Educators

NOAA for Educators

National Weather Service

NOAA Natural Hazards

NOAA Natural Hazards Viewer

Browse Science Interactives

Are you looking for real-world data? Check out:  Data Nuggets

GSTA Phenomena Bank 


Solar System Simulator: JPL simulations

Astronomy Workshop: Solar System animations

Model Based Inquiry – Earth Science Lessons

IRIS (Simulations) - How to find resources

Volcanoes - USGS

Earthviewer - look at Earth through time

HHMI Resources - Classroom Resources

PHeT Biology Interactives

NSTA Virtual Simulations

Concord Simulations

Browse Science Interactives

Are you looking for real-world data? Check out:  Data Nuggets

National Center for Case Study Teaching

US and World Population Clock

Population Education

Population Dynamics (HHMI)

Department of Energy

Need Energy Resources

Southern Company Solar

Georgia Power Learning Power

Southern Company Energy Mix

6 Things You Didn’t Know About Solar Energy 

Renewable Energy  (DOE)

Sustainable energy (DOE

Physical Science - 8/HS



Physics PHeT Simulations

Physics Classroom Simulations

Browse Science Interactives

NSF Classroom Physics Resources

CK-12 Interactives

Khan Academy/Physics

GSTA Phenomena Bank 

Model Based Inquiry – Physical Sciences


PHeT Chemistry Interactives

American Chemistry Society

ACS Educator Resources

Browse Science Interactives

Chemistry Simulations CK-12

NSF Classroom Chemistry Resources

Molecular Workbench

GSTA Phenomena Bank 

Model Based Inquiry – Physical Sciences

 Be sure to check out the High School Chemistry course on GPB.  The courses are aligned to the GSE and include videos, worksheets, etc.

Perimeter Institute 

The Physics Classroom

GPB Physics Fundamentals

PhET Interactive Simulations

My Physics Lab 

MIT Physics Blossoms

American Association of Physics Teachers

Khan Academy/Physics

GSTA Phenomena Bank 

Model Based Inquiry – Physical Sciences

 Be sure to check out the High School Physics course on GPB.  The courses are aligned to the GSE and include videos, worksheets, etc.

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