House Education Committee Chairman Brooks Coleman is organizing several listening sessions to gather feedback from educators on Education Reform Commission proposals and other legislative changes.
The most recent session was held in Watkinsville last week, and GSTA was on hand to take the pulse of teachers who came from as far away as Fulton County. Speakers generally spoke against the over-reliance on testing and the proposed move toward merit pay. A GSTA member who addressed the committee spoke in favor of STEM education and expressed concerns about the rigor of some Move On When Ready courses that take the place of advanced high school courses. GSTA President Brian Butler will be submitting official comments to the committee on behalf of the organization.
The next session will be held Tuesday, August 19th, from 6:00 until 8:00 pm at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center. Follow
this link for details.
Teacher who would like to submit comments, but who cannot attend any of the sessions, can submit written comments to
Ms. Cortney Gillham, a Policy Analyst supporting the House Education Committee
We encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities to speak up for your students and for science education in Georgia.