Middle school teachers, GSTA and Activate Learning are sponsoring an engaging day of hands-on professional learning just for you. Join Dr. Joe Krajcik, a lead writer of both the Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and GSTA board members for a series of grade-specific sessions that will demonstrate how you can incorporate three-dimensional (3D) learning into your middle school science classes. Three-dimensional learning is the research-based approach presented in the Framework and NGSS in which students simultaneously engage in science and engineering practices (e.g., engaging in argument from evidence) while learning and applying core ideas (i.e., GPS content standards) and crosscutting concepts (i.e., big ideas like patterns or structure & function). The 3D approach is being promoted by our GaDOE Science Program Manager, aligns to the goals of the new Milestones EOG assessments, and will likely provide the foundation for the upcoming revision of Georgia's science standards. You will leave the workshop with a sample lesson from Activate Learning's IQWST (Investigating & Questioning our World Through Science) curriculum, a model 3D performance task for your grade level and a 3D lesson planning template, and a better understanding of how to apply the 5E instructional model in planning your science lessons and units. The workshop is being hosted by Clayton County Public Schools, and lunch will be provided. Registration will be limited per grade level to ensure a high-quality experience for all participants. Registration is open to all middle school teachers, but GSTA members and Clayton County teachers will receive discounted registration.
Schedule (Teachers Rotate Based on Grade Level)
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3
Opening Session
Breakout 1
IQWST 3D Earth Science Module
Using the 5Es in Physical Science
3D Performance Tasks: Life Science
Cafeteria: Boxed Lunches
Breakout 2
IQWST 3D Life Science Module
Using the 5Es in Earth Science
3D Performance Tasks: Physical Science
Breakout 3
IQWST 3D Physical Science Module
Using the 5Es in Life Science
3D Performance Tasks: Earth Science
© 2023 GSTA.
Georgia Science Teachers Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
860 Johnson Ferry Road NE, Suite 140-334, Atlanta, GA 30342
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