Supporting Excellent Science Teaching for Georgia

GSTA Board 2018 Nominations

  • 07 Nov 2017
  • 17 Dec 2017
  • 11:59 PM
  • Varies


Registration is closed

The Board of the Georgia Science Teachers Association serves as a voice for K-12 science teachers in Georgia.  Would you, or someone you know be a good spokesperson for the needs of science instruction for students in Georgia?  If so, please consider running for office, or nominating someone you think might serve the interests of teachers and students well.

Board members  meet regularly, both in person and electronically throughout the year, and coordinate the activities of GSTA.  Several positions will need to be filled this coming year.  Below are the positions and an introduction to the duties associated.  A full description can be found in the GSTA Constitution.

President Elect  This position is a three-year commitment to serve in leadership of the organization.  Candidates should have prior experience serving on the Board to bring a good understanding of the association’s work to the leadership work.  Duties during the president-elect year are to chair the program of the 2019 conference, setting the theme and organizing the proposals. During the 2019-20 year of service this person will serve as President of the organization, chairing Board meetings, managing the business of the organization and representing the organization to the public.  During the 2020-21 year of service as Executive Director this person will chair the logistical portion of the 2021 conference

Secretary This position is a two-year commitment to serve in leadership of the organization. The Secretary maintains minutes of all GSTA meetings and serves on the Executive Board.

Elementary and High School Level Representatives Each of these positions is a two-year commitment to serve in leadership of the organization.  Duties include attending Board meetings and serving as a voice for elementary or high school teachers and students in the state.  The level representative will solicit or write one article a year for the newsletter, support the program chair in soliciting presentations for the conference, and coordinate a level Share-A-Thon at the 2019 and 2020 conferences.

District Representatives  Each of these positions is a two-year commitment to serve in leadership of the organization.  This person will speak at Board meetings representing the concerns of science teachers in their part of Georgia.  The representative will support membership in their district through disseminating information and helping GSTA provide quality professional development in their area.  Even-numbered districts (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, & 12) are open for candidates during this election who work in these districts.  

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