The GSTA Student Scholarship consists of a monetary award for students to use in continuing their science education through formal or informal educational programs including camps or undergraduate college programs/courses. GSTA members can nominate students in grades 6-12 or those attending a college/university in Georgia for the scholarship. Nominated students can apply individually or as a group participating in the same program for an award amount up to $1000. To be eligible, applicants must be nominated by a GSTA member and meet the general criteria and guidelines. The components of the application and evaluation rubric can be found on the awards webpage and here.
Recipients of the student scholarship are asked to submit a brief summary of the program and what they learned from their experiences to be shared in the eObservations newsletter and/or social media by October 1, 2024. (Information about submission will be provided to scholarship recipients at a later date.)
© 2023 GSTA.
Georgia Science Teachers Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
860 Johnson Ferry Road NE, Suite 140-334, Atlanta, GA 30342
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