What's happening with GSTA?Professional learning! Advocacy! GSTA 2025 Conference! Read below to get all the details. |
How Do Literacy and Science Support Each Other?As part of our ongoing efforts to advocate for the critical role that science can play in supporting literacy learning, the GSTA board has released this statement on The Role of Science Learning in Supporting Literacy Development. The statement will be submitted as testimony to Georgia House Study Committee on Literacy Instruction. You can learn more about the committee through our partner organization, Science For Georgia, here. Along with preparing this statement, we hosted a virtual PL series focused on the role that science can play in supporting literacy across grades K-12. These sessions featured teachers, researchers, science education leaders, and policy advocates to share their experiences, expertise, and inspiration. You can access recordings and other resources from the sessions at this link. | Upcoming events
GSTA Professional Resources
Besides our world famous GSTA Phenomena Bank, GSTA supports science teachers across the state by curating professional resources.
Membership |
CONNECT Georgia science teachers to vibrant local and statewide professional networks that enhance their classroom practice and the value of their membership. |
Professional Learning |
INFORM GSTA members through a variety of professional learning opportunities that enhance access to current, research-based practices for teachers at all levels, for all disciplines, and in all settings across Georgia. |
Resources |
SUPPORT GSTA members through professional resources that help teachers improve their practice, the academic lives of their students, and their school communities. |
Advocacy |
ADVOCATE for excellent science education in Georgia on behalf of teachers and students and encourage our members to raise their own voices in support of excellent science education for all students in our state. |
Outreach |
PARTNER with informal science education stakeholders to facilitate science literacy opportunities for learners of all ages in real-world communities. |
Support the Georgia Science Teachers Education Foundation (GSTEF). All monies go towards awards, scholarships, and mini-grants for teachers and students! |