I am excited to kick off the new SCIENCE SNIPPETS webinar series designed to support elementary educators in bringing science to life in their classrooms. These sessions will provide practical strategies, resources, and inspiration for effective and engaging science instruction. This first session, GET TO KNOW GSTA, will provide an overview of GSTA membership benefits, resources, professional development, and awards/grants, as well as how to get and stay connected with GSTA. The live sessions are free for members and nonmembers (invite your colleagues); however, the recorded sessions will only be accessible to GSTA members. I hope you'll join us to learn more about what GSTA has to offer!
All registrants will receive the Zoom link for the meeting on the morning of March 4th.
Stephanie Westhafer, GSTA Elementary Representative
© 2023 GSTA.
Georgia Science Teachers Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
860 Johnson Ferry Road NE, Suite 140-334, Atlanta, GA 30342
Email the webmaster